Four Great Teacher Traits

Almost all teachers seek to meet their responsibility. They try to gain any trait, which helps them to reach the greatness. Various characteristics and traits form great teachers. Examples of these are the ability to grow, willingness to work extra time, positive relationship and effective class management.

Standards of a great teacher are coming from the ability to grow. It is like any other profession. Education usually goes through constant change. Great teachers are open to any rational change. This allows him to meet any student need arises during his career. By the time, new techniques are developed and content becomes more sophisticated. In addition, new technologies seem to take parts in modern education. New approaches are uncovered and become more crucial. These examples become noticeable when a new curriculum introduced. A great teacher is a “lifelong learner”.

Secondly, a great teacher is willing to work extra time, but in a realistic and reasonable way to avoid burning out. It sometimes needs time to contemplate and generate ideas or trying to help students who struggle with some activities is a challenge. Figuring out what is the best technique or strategy that can achieve objectives of the lesson is another example. Likewise, marking and grading students work takes time and effort because teachers want students to learn from their mistakes and develop their skills.

The third attribute is to have a positive relationship with the headmaster (or principle), colleagues, or parents. This is crucial, especially in a hard time. When a problem pops up and seems to have no solution, a teacher holds on to her/his positivity.

The fourth quality is to have an effective class management. This effective class management creates organized classroom environment. Without this management, it is difficult for teachers to do their jobs and students do not know what to do. Well-managed classrooms provide an environment in which learning can be achieved.

Committing to be a great teacher contributes towards getting a teaching job more easily. It encourages teachers to develop their skills and gain more knowledge.

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