The reliable and sound lesson plan is the roadmap for teachers. It helps them and their students to get satisfied results of the lesson. It is  also an outstanding feature of trusted teachers.

First, Teachers are expected to set effective goals for their lessons. They think through the outcomes when they are writing objectives of a lesson. A teacher asks her/himself what are the skills needed to be learned by the end of the lesson? Is there specific information they need to aware of? For example, they need to learn about the set of rational numbers. It is important to remember that a high-quality goal is supposed to be specific, relevant, time-bound, achievable, skill-oriented and measurable.

Second, after clarifying goals of the lesson, thinking about how to reach these goals is the next step. How these objectives can be accomplished. Teachers smooth learning by selecting an applicable proper strategy, teaching technology or aids and a suitable environment. These can be implemented by getting familiar with your students (grades, background, physical and psychological issues, etc.) and considering the nature of the subject or the course. In a science class, lecturing may not be suitable; there can be some experiments for students to do and learn from these experiments.

Finally, when completing the lesson procedure, measuring the previously set goals is the third step. There different ways to measure lesson goals. Quizzes, hands-on experiments, question and answer sessions, cooperative learning activities are all examples of assessments. The main aim is to reflect upon the results whether they meet the learning objectives or not. If there are certain objectives are not adequately achieved or a part of a lesson that confused some students, a teacher should highlight these areas and find out how to improve the results. Trying to find another strategy or having a chance for more practice can lead to satisfying results.

You do not have to burn out yourself to have a comprehensive plan.  It is satisfactory to set achievable objectives, provide engaging activities, and consider assessing your students.

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