Many times ESL teacher try their hardest to create a helpful authentic atmosphere for learning a foreign language. This atmosphere includes information gaps in which students solve a problem or complete a task. In such activities, they can overcome this missing information "gaps" only by interacting using the target language. A method uses this principle is called language immersion method.

Learners in the immersion method study using the target language as a medium of classroom interaction. Topics like math, science and social studies are taught in the target language. Learning the target language and its partner subject is equally important. Information on the partner subject generates gaps. These gaps encourage learners to use their language in order to learn about the intended subject. This is the main core of this immersion method.

This method produces an atmosphere where a language is seen as a medium of communication. It creates authentic actual activities (through information gaps) to allow students practice their language. In addition, it makes modules and lessons more connected. This helps learners to build on their previous knowledge and can easily predict and guess what is coming. The third benefit is helping students to focus on and use their vocabulary. Forgetting many learned words usually comes from the shortage of practice.

There are some shortcomings with this method. It is realized with no doubt that information gaps are effective in encouraging learners to use their language effectively. However, it is hard to find teachers that master the two fields. They are usually specialized in one area. The other disadvantage is the focused areas of the target language is controlled by the partner subject. This includes vocabulary and reading and listening passages. Because of this emphasis on certain areas, students will not be familiar with other various topics.

In conclusion, this method is more effective when the main aim is teaching a foreign language for a specific purpose like teaching English in nursing schools. For general purposes in teaching foreign languages, other methods may be more helpful unless it is applied in certain modules or units.

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